Thank you for stopping in today. My camera has always been an extension of my arm but my first love is people. I cherish each opportunity to get to know my client family. I began to appreciate photography as a young child. My Mom passed away when I was 6, however, I feel like I got to know her quirks and her mannerisms through her photos. My dad invested himself into the photography world for a stint and I have had those pictures to tell me her story (with the help of her Laurel County annuals)! I can almost hear her laugh through those photos. The camera is a true gift as it records our histories which pass very quickly. I am a very blessed woman to be married to my one and only, Travis. I have the 2 most terrifi-cal children in the universe, Deborah Grace and Toby. Jesus is my home, music is my second language. I adore spending time with the golden generation. Check out the Life-Stories section to see some of my favorite people. May your journey be beautiful.